

Webinars For educational purposes, we have organized two webinars  to educate the population on the methods adopted by different countries to manage various waste categories. This includes webinars on technologies and solutions for food waste (organic waste) management in Benin, Africa and Canada, and biomedical waste management in Cameroon and India. Watch here Watch here

Beach Cleanup

Beach Cleanup Campaign In commemoration of the 48th Edition of the World Environment day (June 5th, 2022) The beach clean-up campaign was carried out to commemorate the 48th edition of the World Environment Day. The main purpose was to curb the adverse impacts of ocean pollution and to sensitize the population on the importance of …

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Waste Segregation and Sensitization

Waste Segregation And Sensitization Project Funded through the Tomoni Crowdfunding Program by Tohoku University On May 11th, the Waste Segregation and Sensitization Project was launched at the Limbe II Municipal Council, Cameroon. The Mayor of Limbe II Council, the Divisional Delegate of Environment and Nature Protection Fako Division, the Manjung Cultural Group, various media houses …

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