Beach Cleanup Campaign
In commemoration of the 48th Edition of the World Environment day (June 5th, 2022)
The beach clean-up campaign was carried out to commemorate the 48th edition of the World Environment Day. The main purpose was to curb the adverse impacts of ocean pollution and to sensitize the population on the importance of such an activity. In this light, the local population including students, other youths, the representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection, working staffs, joined the foundation to carry out this beach cleanup.
On June 8th 2022, the Iliki Beach, Bobende-Limbe, was kept clean by the Numfor Solange Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Nature Potection, Fako Division, and Gigi Capital (an import-based business, USA-Douala, Cameroon). The CEO of Gigi Capital, gave a generous donation, which sponsored this beach clean-up campaign. The students of Favor Bilingual Technical Secondary school also participated in this campaign. The clean-up left the shores clean and the local fishermen congratulated such an initiative and recognized their role is maintaining the cleanness of the Iliki Beach. The staff of Gigi Capital also put in efforts to participate in this cleanup activity. The various participants in this campaign can be seen in Figure 7.